Fees & Rebates

  • Standard treatment consultations are 50 minutes.
  • Psychology services are GST-free.
  • The cost of a neurodevelopmental assessment varies on the nature, complexity and duration of the assessment. Please contact us to discuss further.
  • Standard consult $245 (50-minutes) *
  • Initial parent-only consult $305 (90-minutes) *
  • NDIS funded consult $244.22 (50-minutes)

* The current Medicare Rebate for a Clinical Psychologist is $141.85 under the Better Access Initiative with a GP Referral & Mental Health Care Plan. 

Better Access Initiative standard 50+ minute consult Medicare rebate:

  • The standard 50+ minute Clinical Psychologist consult is $141.85.

Requiring a GP Referral & Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP).

Please let your clinician know if you wish to use a Carer Medicare rebated consult. 

Check with your Private Health Insurer for rebated services.

24-hour notice is requested if you are unable to attend your appointment. For repeat cancellations, a fee is charged for late cancellations.

Assessment fees vary by assessment type and the individual plan development at the initial pre-assessment consult.

  • Psychological Assessment is not typically Medicare rebated.
  • For Autism assessment, Medicare Rebates may apply under the Helping Children with Autism (HCWA) package when a paediatrician refers a child under 13 years old, using item code 135. These rebates are only applicable for assessments completed directly with the individual. They do not apply to GP referrals. 
  • Check with your Private Health provider regarding rebates.

Australian Psychological Society Fee Recommendations